Dear Reader,
Before you start to read this book, I need to warn you that it is full of iradical mathematical concepts some of which I myself don’t fully understand for I when I started writing this was only in sixth grade (and a very slow typer) and at that point in my life was not shell I say, not the most sociable person in town, so some of what I try to explain will not be understandable, but, I did my best. With this in mind, read this book carefully, and try your best to understand what it talks about.
From the author,
Patrick Hawks
Chapter 1
Basic Math
I am going to start this book with one of the most basic math concepts in existence. In my mind, this is the single most simple concept (excluding shapes, of course), addition. When adding numbers all you need to do is take two or more numbers and melt them together. I can’t explain it with out making it more compleated than it is. The easiest way to learn to add is on your fingers allthoe this forms a very bad habit that sometimes I carry on to this day. Anyway, to add 4 and 5 all you need to do is put out four fingers, so on one hand, one finger is not showing and on the other, five are not showing (if you have 10 fingers total, of course), then just put out five more fingers. You can start this on the same hand that you put out the first finger, or, you can start on another hand. Either way works. After you have done all this, just count the total number of fingers you have put out. In this case, your answer should be 9.
This works with small numbers but what happens when you are adding two or three didget numbers.